Optimal human movement for peak surf performance.
Become a fluid surfer, avoid injury and spend more time in the water.
Michelle has been on a clear and focused mission for us all by laying down well documented examples of her insights and knowledge with an aim to urge us to take action for ourselves into moving more efficiently and therefore bring more opportunity for the exact reason we connected with surfing from the outset –
the pure joy it brings to our whole being. Putting your trust in Michelle’s clear techniques will help surfers young and old to become stronger, faster and more efficient.
– Tom Carroll, 2 Times Surfing World Champion.
My first year training and working with Michelle, and following her injury prevention techniques, was also the year I qualified for the World Tour. This was no coincidence. Doing some of these stretches and routines before, after or between surfs will change your experience in the water!
– Davey Cathels, World Surf League Professional Surfer.
Have you ever been in a situation when your surfing doesn’t seem to be progressing any further, or you just can’t seem to land that one particular manoeuvre? Michelle’s Fluid Surfer is the dream book for any surfer keen to progress past mobility and strength blockages with ease. It is a golden book that can give all the answers you have been searching for, from what to work on for the simple duck dive, all the way through to core stability and knee strength in landing high airs. I met Michelle at the end of my career, I wish I had of met her and had access to this book sooner!
– Bec Woods, A Decade in the Top 10 of Surfing’s Elite World Tour.

What you’ll get in this book..
180 pages of clear mobility and strength techniques to allow you to surf with more fluidity, agility, endurance, power and finesse.
Clear photo demonstrations, covering 17 body areas found to be problematic in Surfers.
Simple technique instructions and logical reasons behind each.
Common injuries and limitations found in Surfers of all levels.
A self-assessment to show you where you may be falling short of optimal mobility and what chapters to focus on.
Active stretching, self-mobilistations and DIY soft-tissue techniques that you can take with you anywhere.
Bodyweight strength movements, fundamental to any human, especially surfers.
Putting it all together with routine examples and practical recommendations.
What you’ll get in this book..
180 pages of clear mobility and strength techniques to allow you to surf with more fluidity, agility, endurance, power and finesse.
Clear photo demonstrations, covering 17 body areas found to be problematic in Surfers.
Simple technique instructions and logical reasons behind each.
Common injuries and limitations found in Surfers of all levels.
A self-assessment to show you where you may be falling short of optimal mobility and what chapters to focus on.
Active stretching, self-mobilistations and DIY soft-tissue techniques that you can take with you anywhere.
Bodyweight strength movements, fundamental to any human, especially surfers.
Putting it all together with routine examples and practical recommendations.
Ready to Become a Fluid Surfer?
Extend your surfing lifestpan, treat body stiffness and achy joints.
Get fluid. Get more waves.
Hey I just wanted to give you a shoutout, your book has already helped me surf better and just move better in general. I feel so much more comfortable in the water and it’s all thanks to you. You’re a bloody legend!
Your book is amazing! I am so glad I found it when I did, you have saved me from a major injury today! Today I was crumpled down awkwardly under a lip and strained my MCL on my rear leg – but I had the hip flexibility and strength to get out before fully disrupting my knee or tearing my meniscus. I’m 100% sure that 6 weeks ago I would have a full ruptured MCL and/or medial meniscus. I can’t thank you enough!
Hey Michelle, I bought your book a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to say thanks! I’ve been looking for a surf-specific mobility for almost a year and your book is exactly what I wanted. I appreciate your work in putting it together!
The book and techniques have been fantastic. Whilst I was always stretching and completing some yoga routines daily, I have found that your targeted mobility exercises have been simple and effective. You certainly focus on the areas that have caused me some issues. My shoulders and hips are feeling improvement after even a short while.
The ‘Fluid Surfer’ has really been my bible over the last year – it has been extremely helpful in doing long rehab to get back paddling strength and fitness.
Thank you for passing on your wealth of knowledge and being such a great role model for holistic health, active living, body mobility and maintenance.
Hi Michelle, I was on a zoom meeting with some surf coaches from Portugal last week. One of the guys said he did some online mobility training with you. He said it was fantastic and he really learnt a lot. He works at a high performance surf centre in northern Portugal. Always good to hear your work is appreciated.
I just went for a surf on a short board!!! After so much time with shoulder pain keeping me out of the water, I have pulled up OK, had some super fun waves with only one other guy out and glassy shoulder high walls. Thanks for helping me get there!!
My shoulder has improved signficantly especially overhead. As a bonus i’ve had less pain in my right wrist as well. I’ve even given the golf ball to some of the people I train with 🙂
Michelle’s book is the best!! It’s so well laid out and easy to follow. Brilliant.