Online Coaching
Moving in ways that reduce wear and tear on joint structures, reduce strain on muscles and avoid the recruitment of inappropriate muscles is key to injury prevention and athletic performance.
This Surf Strength & Conditioning site is all about getting you there with a solid foundation of joint stability, alignment, optimal-range mobility, efficient exercise technique and balanced body strength.
Strength and fitness is about developing your body to be able to do what you want it to do in life, not about monotonous programs. Everyone wants to be able to surf like Kelly or John John, moving effortlessly yet powerfully, like a cat in the water. You may not have grown up with Pipe in your front yard, or had a cool mum that pushed you onto waves when you were barely walking. You may not have expressed beyond outstanding talent as a grom, had the chance to travel the world surfing with your family or become the youngest surfer to compete in the Vans Triple Crown at 13.
You likely had to get a “real job” and are tied to a desk, sitting on your ass way more than feels natural on a daily basis. You probably watch the pros and imagine how you can best impersonate them on the waves tomorrow, or the next opportunity you get to surf. You probably have tight, stiff muscles, an increasingly flabby butt and joints that need some grease.
Recreational surfers typically get injured because their bodies aren’t well equipped for the demands that their weekend or holiday 2-5hr surfs place on their otherwise sedentary or stressed out bodies. For these girls and guys, a well structured mobility and strength training program is paramount to form a solid base of stability, endurance, strength, power and fluid movement.
I teach movements suitable for sports rehabilitation, right up to high performance surfing demands. The direction you wish to travel within this site are endless. This online coaching is different from other training sites because you will score the following unique components to make a natural athlete out of you.

TRADITIONAL LIFTS : Conventional Deadlift, Sumo Deadlift, Back Squat, Front Squat, Pull-Up, Chin-Up, Military Press
MOBILITY: Neck, Shoulder, Forearm, Wrist, Chest, Upper Back, Lower Back, Hip, Front of Thigh, Back of Thigh, Inner Thigh, Outer Thigh, Knee,Lower Leg, Ankle, Foot
SURF PROGRAMS: Pre-surf Warm Ups, Faster Pop-Up Program, Paddling Endurance & Efficiency Program, 10 Week Surf Prep (Bodyweight Strength), 10 Week Surf Prep (Free-Weight Strength), 10 Week Mobilty Program, Surfer’s Neck Routine.
Want to be a better surfer and a strong, natural athlete?
Optimise your body for injury prevention and peak surf performance.