1. Forewords
  2. Why I created Fluid Surfer
  3. Introduction
  4. Common Injuries and Limitations – What’s Holding Back Your Surfing?
  5. Fluid Surfer Self Assessment
  6. Hypermobility Assessment – Joint Mobility and Laxity
  7. What’s Best for Me? – The Difference between Flexibility, Mobility and How to use the Fluid Surfer Techniques
  8. Neck
  9. Upper Back and Shoulder Blade
  10. Shoulder
  11. Upper Arm
  12. Forearm and Wrist
  13. Chest
  14. Lower Back
  15. Hip
  16. Front of Thigh
  17. Back of Thigh
  18. Inner Thigh
  19. Outer Thigh
  20. Knee
  21. Lower Leg and Foot
  22. Foundational Movements
  23. Putting it all Together

This is an amazing resource for anyone looking to take their surfing to the next level. Michelle truly inspires and guides you through the progressive strategies to becoming ‘fluid’ in your movement. These training programmes and injury prevention methods are underpinned by experience working with some of the worlds top professional surfers and solid foundations in performance science.

Duncan French

Vice President of Performance, UFC Performance Institute.